Because my parents were older than those of my contemporaries, and had friends who were ages with them, I was surrounded by seniors when I was growing up.

Far from being a hindrance, this was something I embraced. I would sit agog listening to their stories, often like my father’s, of wartime service and boys’ own adventures in foreign lands. I always felt that their lives were far more interesting than those of my friends’ parents.

And my extended family too were blessed with longevity. I had aunts and uncles who seldom, if ever, strayed from their crofts in Glenurquhart and whose sons were contemporaneously poachers and gamekeepers alike.

They were all caricatures who emerged straight out of central casting. There are a few family photographs kicking around, and they show people who looked like the cast of Miss Marple.

As a child, I was taught respect, particularly for elders because they had experienced far more than I ever had. Far from avoiding the company of old people I sought it out because they were so interesting.

As a schoolboy I worked during one summer holiday in a mental hospital, caring for elderly men with disabilities, and I loved it. I don’t think there was ever a better feeling than washing, dressing and feeding these men, in the autumn of their lives.

Growing into adulthood and becoming a journalist, I realised pretty quickly that the best source of colourful copy came from the seniors, who had been there, done it and bought at least one T-shirt. Then, of course, came the time when I ended my career prematurely to care for my elderly mother through her dementia journey, a very personal and profound time.

So, down the years I have always been an advocate for the elderly, always looked out for them and always helped them. Above all else I would listen to them because they always had something fascinating to say.

In the 21st century, people are living longer and still have a valuable contribution to make to society and this should be cherished.

But here’s the rub. Joe Biden is showing signs that his age is now an impediment to his holding the office of US President. A younger, fitter person should carry the responsibility of being the leader of the free world and having their finger on the dreaded button.

Moreover, Biden is not likely to beat Donald Trump in the forthcoming Presidential election. And the world needs a strong Democratic candidate to stand against a man who will make the world shake with fear if he wins a second term.