The world is divided: on the one hand, sensible folk who could see the election far enough and, anyway, have got far too much on their own plates to give much of a stuff as to who their MP is.

On the other are idiots like me, who read every jot and tittle about the campaigns whilst overdosing on the TV debates. I suspect the first lot are way more healthy.

At least being out of the country for a few days gave me an involuntary breather from it all. Though the way things turned out at the football, the mood didn’t lighten very much.

Now back in the fray, I have been visited by one solitary canvasser. He was out in the pouring rain and well sodden by the time he reached my door bell.

He was there, he offered, on behalf of the Conservative and Unionist party candidate. It really is long past time I put a name beside the bell.

Meanwhile the broadcasters continue their obsession with vox pops, which may make for cheap telly, but rarely adds much in the way of profundities.

The favoured cliché this time round is a variation on the interviewee saying s/he doesn’t trust any of them and anyway they’re all the same.

But, you know, they’re not. There are many politicians who go the extra mile for their constituents and really did get into the game to try and make things better.

They get a much worse rap than they deserve.

Julian Assange pictured on his release from prison this week.Julian Assange pictured on his release from prison this week.

News of Julian Assange’s plea deal which seems to have saved him extradition was widely celebrated.

However most of the coverage concerned the fact that Wikileaks had published embarrassing material about the USA’s role in both Irag and Afghanistan.

I’ve long since stopped expecting armies at war to behave decently, but it was another Wikileaks hack which still makes my blood boil.

In 2016, just before the Democratic convention, they released a host of private material from the campaign. Then, just a short time before the actual election, they published a host of emails from Hilary Clinton’s campaign manager.

Coupled with a bizarre decision by then FBI chief James Comey to re-open an investigation into her email usage, her campaign became holed below the water line.

Thus was the world given President Trump, possibly the worst President ever, whose first stint saw all his favoured appointees exit the stage when they grasped just what an ignorant bampot he was up too close and personal.

There have been many accounts of just what an idle lot he was too, holed up in his private quarters bingeing on the worst of US TV. (And it’s bad, believe me.)

And let’s not forget how Trump riled up the idiots who trashed Congress and then told them what fine people they were and how much he loved them.

Five more years of this, the USA could and should live without.

Both he and the incumbent are far too old anyway. They should butt out and let a new generation in.

Instead, like two bald men fighting over a comb, they debated each other on Thursday night in Atlanta. It was not a pretty sight.