In his latest column, Councillor Maurice Corry discusses the investment needed to boost the Helensburgh and Lomond economy ahead of the UK Government's first budget.

The first budget from the new UK Labour Government is looming large and whatever is unveiled by the Chancellor Rachel Reeves will undoubtedly have an impact on our communities in Helensburgh and nearby.

One area that I – and others across Helensburgh – will be keeping a keen eye on is any plans for levelling up funding that was at the heart of the last UK Conservative Government’s policy agenda.

Labour have already scrapped the word Levelling Up from the department’s name, so I have real concerns that this area will not see the investment we desperately need to grow our local economy.

Through working closely with the previous UK Conservative Government, Argyll and Bute Council were able to secure £20 million worth of funding from them for a Levelling Up Partnership.

And my party committed to a further £20 million for Helensburgh during the general election as part of their Towns Fund.

Given the economic announcements that have been coming from Labour so far – including their shameful cutting of winter fuel payments – for pensioners, I hope they can provide some urgent clarity on this funding.

With the SNP’s cuts continuing to hamper Argyll and Bute’s council to deliver the day-to-day services our communities rely on, the last thing we need is a row back on previous levelling-up funding.

I am acutely aware that financial times are tough and with it hard decisions are having to be made by governments across the United Kingdom.

However, it would be a crying shame if Helensburgh was an area that missed out as a result of political choices.

I will be continuing to fight for investment in the area and as the Budget approaches, I hope our SNP MP will be doing so too and urging the chancellor to find money for our area.

Progress for Helensburgh Pier

I am pleased that good progress is being made to bring Helensburgh Pier back into operation at the earliest opportunity when the council is able to lift the Maritime Closure Order and open the pier again to marine traffic.

Helensburgh Pier Company Ltd has now been formed and registered accordingly with charitable status and with Companies House.

The council have been very supportive as we bring the Helensburgh Pier regeneration project through all the required processes. The 'sail by' by PS Waverley recently was a huge success as everyone knows we received massive support from many local people for which we are very grateful. 

It was a real demonstration of the support my colleagues and I are receiving all the time for the project which is proving to be very popular.

We would be interested to hear from our local community who would like to support the project in anyway. 

Please contact myself at or call me on 07825 937159.