In his latest column, Councillor Graham Hardie updates constituents on some of the latest issues facing Helensburgh.

Walking around the town I couldn’t help noticing the real-time bus arrival systems at some of the bus stops.

This is something I had been pressing the council about adopting since my work on the board of SPT who install and set up these systems. So I was pleased to see them operational at last.

Recently a constituent approached me with an unresolved issue with the council.

He had been trying unsuccessfully for months to have all the rubbish removed from between the burger van on East Princess Street and the train station.

It was becoming an environmental health problem with rats frequenting the site. He asked me if I could help.

I contacted Network Rail who owned the site and made them aware of the issue and the site was completely cleared within a week.

I would like to thank Network Rail for their quick response and the constituent who brought it to my attention.

I am always available by email, or at my monthly surgeries to hear about local issues and would hope to at least resolve some of them. It is the part of my council work I most enjoy, so please feel free to engage me with me on any issue which concerns you.

I attended the recent Jean’s Bothy (the community mental health hub in Helensburgh) car boot sale which was well attended and had plenty of bargains on show as well as tea and coffee in the Colgrain bowling club.

The last Environment, Development and Infrastructure meeting the committee (of which I am a member) approved the employment of a new parking warden for the Helensburgh and Lomond area to enforce the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 which bans pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs, with certain exemptions designated by local authorities - for example to ensure safe access for emergency vehicles.

From December 11, 2023, local authorities could begin enforcing the law. This means drivers could be fined £100 for these parking behaviours; reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days. The new parking warden should be in place by the end of the year.

I hope all my constituents are enjoying the summer despite the lacklustre weather we have been having, though as I write this the sun is shining on Helensburgh. I should like to add my congratulations to Brendan O’Hara on being elected as our MP at Westminster.

Finally good luck to all the students with their exam results this month and I hope you get the results you are looking for.