Peter Brown, convener of Helensburgh Community Council (HCC) updates the town on the ongoing wait for a decision on the future of the waterfront development.

Summer appears to have belatedly arrived in Helensburgh, and it is fantastic to see the flowers in the square (thanks to Argyll and Bute Council) and the shrub beds looking so tidy (thanks to the HCC band of volunteers).

A fleet of yachts racing off the pier adds to the scene, and I hope everyone is able to enjoy the Helensburgh "riviera".

Waterfront Site

The Helensburgh and Lomond councillors from Argyll and Bute Council (A&BC) will, by now, have had a 'business day' in which they will have asked questions of the two bidders for the pierhead site which they have selected.

Following this, the councillors are due to select a final preferred bidder in August.

The community has been given no information as to the short-listed or selected bidders, and we remain in the dark about what options our elected representatives are choosing.

We have reinforced the community's position to the councillors, which is that we want this publicly-owned community space to be for benefit of the community, and not a large retail development.

We have also asked for a meeting with the leader of Argyll and Bute Council. We await any information from the council on what they have selected with interest.

Local Place Plan

The Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan is due for renewal soon and, as input to that, the council is seeking Local Place Plan views from communities about what uses are appropriate for the landscape of our area.

A subcommittee of Helensburgh Community Council and other volunteers are actively working on the preparatory work of a Helensburgh Local Place Plan - we will be seeking, and providing, more information as we get further along in the process.

July meeting

The community council normally takes a break over the summer, but this year we are continuing our monthly meetings at 7pm on Thursday, July 25 in the Civic Centre.

Do come along if you can to participate in our discussion about further updates on the Community Council's activities.