This article is an election free zone, I promise no politics, just the chance to give a pat on the back to local volunteers from the comments recorded in our survey completed at recent events in the square and a big thank you from the business community.

There is no doubt that it is very tough in business just now as customers are obviously cutting back their spend and working to a more restricted budget and commercial overheads are rising at an alarming rate.

Couple this with the problem of theft by shoplifting from our traders which has reached an all time high, then the ability to turn a profit becomes elusive.

It is imperative that we all do our utmost to continue to support local business owners and those who “Shop Local” play a pivotal role in keeping our town centre vibrant and attractive and independent traders recognise and value their regular customers.

Additionally, it would appear from feedback from visitors to the town that Helensburgh is reaping the benefits of community support for the business community which is proving to be beneficial for the town as a whole as our volunteers work hard to bring to fruition our very own visitor charm offensive, a busy events calendar.

Feedback from recent events in Colquhoun Square was summed up in this comment from a group of visitors: “We come to Helensburgh regularly because there is always something on here, lots of fun events, chance to meet and chat to local people and other visitors.

"We enjoy the activities at the event, go round the interesting shops, then go for a drink and a meal before heading home.

"It makes a great day out and we are always impressed by the number of well organised events which take place in the town, there is obviously a great community spirit here and we just love coming to Helensburgh.”

Recently, volunteers have organised the Helensburgh Highland Games, Beer and Gin Festival, a Food and Drink festival, a Fun/Magic Day in the square and no doubt plans are on the go for the Dog Show/Gala Day on July 27 and all our spectacular winter spectacles beginning with the fireworks display.

This confirms the insight given by Destination Helensburgh recently that “Human Connection is the key to improving tourism” and that we are in line with Scotland’s Town Partnership key theme for this year, “Investing in our Assets for Sustainable Towns of the Future”. Helensburgh is getting it right.

Congratulations and thank you to our talented and dedicated volunteers, look forward to more human connections at your events!