The Advertiser has invited General Election candidates standing to represent Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber to share their views on key topics to the area.

This week, Labour candidate Hamish Maxwell writes about his priorities for Helensburgh and Lomond.

I understand the challenges faced by the people of Argyll & Bute and the difficulties they face.

I know Tory mismanagement of the economy and cost-of-living increases have made working people struggle more.

Successive SNP and Tory governments have made things worse.

Small enterprises form the backbone of our economy here, but they have been failed by Westminster and Holyrood.

The SNP have allowed infrastructure to crumble, from the delayed ferry contract to the critical situation on the A83.

Labour will help families and businesses by delivering a real living wage, giving people extra money in their pockets.

I know access to good quality public services is vital. The SNP’s failure to support local authorities has led to reduction in services and the blueprint for NHS recovery has failed.

Helensburgh and Lomond residents have struggled to secure even basic NHS services, such as Sexual Health clinics.

Labour is the party of the NHS, we founded it and we want to see it back to its best.

Availability of public sector housing will be a priority for many.

Not only has the SNP failed to grip the gravity of the situation, they declared a housing emergency without a clear plan and backtracked on commitments to the Affordable Housing Supply programme.

Labour has made a clear commitment to help build more rented homes.

Defence is also an important issue, particularly for Argyll & Bute. Labour has reaffirmed commitment to the nuclear deterrent and committed to increasing defence spending.

Not only do Faslane and Coulport provide jobs, they boost our economy and bring families to the area.

Labour made Faslane the base for the UK’s submarine fleet, while the SNP have been clear that they do not support the nuclear deterrent.

A vote for Labour on July 4 is a vote for change that matters.