The Advertiser has invited General Election candidates standing to represent Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber to share their views on key topics to the area.

This week, Reform candidate Melanie Hurst writes about defence.

Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber has a proud association with our military, being key to our naval defence strategy and our local economy. Defence is an area very close to my heart too, I have had, and still have, close family members serving in our armed forces.

A Reform UK government would ensure our armed forces personnel and veterans receive the support and recognition they deserve through critical reforms in the first 100 days - starting with increasing defence spending to 2.5 per cent of national GDP over three years.

Reform UK would conduct an urgent pay review to boost recruitment and retention, introduce an Armed Forces Justice Bill to protect our servicemen and women on active duty, fast-track complaints and appeals on welfare and housing, and create a ministerial department for veterans to deliver our ‘You Serve, You Deserve’ promise, delivering fully recognised rewards and benefits for veterans and their families.

Reform UK would manage our ‘Veterans First’ priority service for healthcare, housing, training and education and oversee our ‘Preferential Qualification for Key Public Sector Leadership Roles’ initiative.

Thereafter, defence spending will increase to 3 per cent within six years, our incentives and tax breaks will boost the UK defence industry, and defence procurement will be reformed through the creation of the Joint Acquisition Corp.

A Reform UK government will take back control of Armed Forces Recruitment and Military Accommodation. Successive governments have failed our armed forces, our security, and us. A Reform UK government will right this wrong.