The Advertiser has invited General Election candidates standing to represent Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber to share their views on key topics to the area.

This week, Independent candidate Tommy Macpherson writes about defence.

I am a former Royal Marines Commando serving with 45 Commando, Brigade Patrol Troop SRS and at Commando School (CTCRM). I consider myself an honorary GUZ rating!

My career was cut short due to a parachute accident - a jump that resulted in a reconstructed ankle. I have had to adapt both my work and leisure lifestyle to my injuries sustained over my military service.

These are little known facts. Yet that is why, since my discharge in 2003, I have been passionate in my support and in raising awareness to PoppyScotland, RBL, BLESMA and the Royal Marines Charity and the great work they and many other charity organisations do for our military family.

When standing for election May 2022 I pledged my support for PoppyScotland and the Armed Forces Covenant.

A month later, as an Argyll and Bute councillor, I presented a motion to renew the Covenant. My support for serving personnel, veterans and their dependants remains steadfast.

Recently, having visited the Lady Haig Poppy Factory, I was able to link Poppyscotland with the council's education service's pupil advisor, resulting in more than 20 schools across Argyll and Bute hosting BUD, Poppyscotland's micro-museum.

Through elected service I have had the honour, and very humbling experience, to attend several commemorative events.

Last November I joined the crews of HMS Tracker and HMS Raider from the RNB Faslane Patrol Boat Squadron to lay a wreath at sea remembering the 53 crew members of HMS Seagull, Wemyss Bay.

During the D-Day 80th anniversary I represented the council at the both the wreath laying and lamp lighting services at Campbeltown's Cenotaph. Recently I was nominated to be a trustee of Scotland's National War Memorial, Edinburgh Castle.

I support calls for the introduction of an Armed Forces Justice Bill, a dedicated ministerial department for veterans, and for the Covenant to be enhanced incorporating benefits schemes in health, housing, training and education for military personnel, veterans and dependants.

Property management of barracks and family quarters must be returned to the MoD. Coupled with the above proposals the focus must be on an urgent pay review to boost retention and increase recruitment, not a party-political gimmick of 12 months' mandatory national service for school leavers. Defence spending must be increased to 2.5 per cent of GDP next year, not 2030.

For their service and sacrifice, we can afford our military families the nation's gratitude.