The Advertiser has invited General Election candidates standing to represent Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber to share their views on key topics to the area.

This week, Scottish Conservative candidate Amanda Hampsey writes about defence.

Helensburgh and our neighbouring communities have proud and long-standing links with our military and defence industry.

As your MP, I will never waver in my support for our base at Faslane which is so crucial for jobs locally and has arguably never been more important in this increasingly uncertain world, where we face threats from countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea.

Faslane is not only hugely important for our nation's security but also crucial - alongside the depot at Coulport - for local jobs and the local economy.

The base is an employer and home for 3,000 service personnel, 800 of their families as well as 4,000 civilian workers.

The SNP are willing to jeopardise all of that with their continued stance against Trident.

The nationalists are willing to lose thousands of local jobs with their plan to get rid of our nuclear deterrent.

That would be devastating for our local economy at a time when many families are struggling with the global cost-of-living crisis.

As your Scottish Conservative and Unionist MP for Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber, I will proudly stand up against any plans to ditch our naval base on the Clyde and recognise the importance that our military play in the region.

On July 4, only I can beat the SNP in this constituency and ensure that the focus is on people's real priorities like keeping those jobs at Faslane in the heart of the area, rather than a nationalist MP pushing for independence and to scrap Trident.