It’s been a busy few months since the council administration changed hands and once again a huge learning curve with every day a school day. 

Especially for me as I begin to take on my new roles depute chair of the Helensburgh and Lomond area committee and Argyll and Bute Council's depute lead for education.

And there I am, an old hack and constant grammatical pedant, who always swore I would never let anyone call me a chair, doing it myself. Change is definitely in the air.

Talking of change brings me to contrived segue number 101 – and a very real chance to vote for positive change in the forthcoming General Election.

I have recently had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know Hamish Maxwell who will be flying the flag for Labour.

Here is a man whose aspirations for Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber are as lofty as he is himself and whose service as a former Naval officer, based at Faslane, stands him in good stead to represent Helensburgh and to understand its special place in Argyll and Bute as a whole, and whose civilian experience in Scottish Asset Management gives him great grasp of the financial world.

A father of twin girls, Hamish told me: ”There’s been lots to feel gloomy about recently. But, looking forward I’m excited.

"I know Scottish Labour has a good plan to help the economy, public services and the people of Scotland and can deliver that change.

“I want to be a voice for everyone in Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber constituency and I want the opportunity to fight for our towns and rural communities, our public services, our economy and our Union.”

Moving on, I had the pleasure of visiting Hermitage Academy last week in the company of my fellow Helensburgh and Lomond councillors. The reason for the visit was to hear the story of last year’s work at the academy. And what a success story it is.

The school goes from strength to strength and is consistently ahead of similar schools in Argyll and Bute and indeed Scotland.

While that is something to be exceedingly proud of what was most impressive, and came loud and clear, was the utter dedication of the staff to the education and well being of the pupils.

The team of staff at Hermitage, no matter what their job, are all striving for the best outcomes for the pupils.

Whether it is finding the best pathways to a successful future, making sure that they are well nourished and set up for the day through the breakfast club or their individual needs are being met the staff at Hermitage will do everything in their power for each pupil.

It wasn’t like that when I was at school in the dim and very distant past…but I truly with it had been.

My email address, should you wish to contact me, is: and my phone number is: 07788549192.