A GROUP of concerned parents are asking others across Helensburgh and Lomond for their views on the use of mobile phones in classes.

The anonymous survey aimed at those with primary school-aged children is the brainchild of a WhatsApp group made up of dozens of parents.

Head teachers will be given the power to ban phones in schools, but the Scottish Government stopped short of a national ban earlier this year.

Rebecca Dalrymple, one of the parents behind the survey, told the Advertiser her motivation was for a discussion in the area about children owning and using smartphones.

She said there may be great benefits to technology and social media, but not without potential risks.

Mrs Dalrymple said: "Parents completely have the right to choose how their youngsters are brought up and we all do our best to help our children feel happy and included.

"Knowing how difficult it is for adults to regulate their smartphone use, it is even harder for young people, whose brains are still developing.

"Many parents you speak to got them for their children as they didn’t want them to be the only one without and not because they truly wanted them to have it at that age."

Another parent, Lizzy Gardner, said: "If most parents want their children to have one, then our approach would be to make sure the adults and children were skilled in how to safely navigate their use."

And group member Rhiannon May added: "If lots of parents would prefer their children not to have a smart phones, then they can get together and have a collective power to not get them, meaning their child will not be the odd one out and they can all support each other.

The survey is aimed at all feeder schools for Hermitage Academy.

Data from the survey will be used to communicate with parents, schools and Argyll and Bute Council.

In August, the council said: “We recently updated our mobile phone policy in schools and will now be reviewing it, following the publication of Scottish Government guidelines. We are confident that our policy supports this national approach.”

The survey can be found at https://forms.office.com/r/j2eY5CjbWF and anyone with questions or comments can email smartphonehelensburgh@gmail.com.