PLANNING permission has been awarded for two houses to be situated next to a distillery on Islay.

Diageo Scotland Limited’s proposal, for land west of the Port Ellen Distillery, was given the go-ahead after council planning officers received no feedback.

The new homes will also feature detached double garages, while on-site parking arrangements also form part of the plans.

An Argyll and Bute Council planning officer said in a handling report: “This application seeks planning permission for the redevelopment of the site to erect two new residential dwellings, together with detached garages.

“The dwellings would be two-storey, three-bedroom units with rendered elevations under a slate roof. Vehicular access will be provided by upgrading the existing site access with parking and turning arrangements provided within the site.

“Both plots would benefit from private gardens. The proposal would be connected to public services for water and foul waste arrangements.

“The associated incidental buildings which include a garage, are all located within the proposed residential curtilage areas to serve the two dwellings and are not too dispersed from the proposed residential dwellings.

“The garages are small in nature and would not cause any adverse impacts on the established character of the area. The proposed use is considered to be compatible with the surrounding uses to the site and would not negatively impact on residential neighbouring amenity.”

The officer added: “The site the subject of this application is considered to represent an appropriate opportunity for residential development, with suitably sited and designed dwellinghouses which will respect the existing settlement pattern of Port Ellen.”