COMMUNITY campaigners have launched an appeal to take council bosses to court over their controversial and secret waterfront plans.

Helensburgh Community Council have set up a fund-raising drive for £30,000 towards getting a judicial review of Argyll and Bute Council's decision.

In August councillors rubberstamped naming Forrest Developments as the preferred bidder for council officers. The plans will include a supermarket, understood to be Co-op, but no designs or further details have been confirmed.

The entire bidding process and decisions were in secret and no plans or even artists' impressions have been presented publicly.

A petition has gained the backing of nearly a fifth of the town's population in opposing a supermarket at the waterfront.

Helensburgh Community Council (HCC) have led efforts to question and stop the proposals, claiming it breaks with Argyll and Bute's own masterplan for the area and is a threat to independent businesses.

Campaign logo created by the community councilCampaign logo created by the community council (Image: Helensburgh Community Council)

The fund-raiser has already brought in £1,200 towards the total and it can be found at

Dr Peter Brown told the Advertiser: "We know the community is angry about Argyll and Bute Council not listening to their views on the waterfront, and that people are concerned that councillors and officials will continue to steamroller a supermarket onto this site.

"The legal advice that we have pursued encourages us that a judicial review is the way to stop this unwanted development before further money (ours and the council's) is wasted on a controversial planning application.

"The grounds for that legal review are Argyll and Bute Council's lack of consultation, lack of transparency, predetermination and bias.

"This will be an expensive process and we regret that we are having to ask the community to donate when money is tight, and when there are so many other worthwhile local causes who are in need of resources right now.

"We have set an ambitious target and, if it is not possible to meet that figure, we will pursue other legal approaches."

He added: "We are grateful for whatever the community can donate to this approach, and we will use this money sensibly to challenge Argyll and Bute's blinkered approach to this supermarket development.

"All money raised through GoFundMe will be ringfenced by Helensburgh Community Council for challenging the supermarket development on the waterfront."

The council and Forrest Developments have been approached for comment.