A GOLF club on the Kintyre Peninsula has won planning permission to install a new shed at its premises.

No objections were submitted to Argyll and Bute Council for the application by Dunaverty Golf Club, in Southend, to demolish and replace its existing facility.

The plans were lodged to give the club additional storage space, and the authority’s planning officers gave the go-ahead this week.

An officer said in a handling report: “The proposal reflects a minor alteration – an increase in the size of the existing storage facility – to accommodate the current demands of the golf club.

“However, this is deemed acceptable as it would be of a suitable scale, design and external finishing materials.

“The small scale nature of the proposed development and its location behind a raised ground means, though slightly larger than the existing structure, the building would be well contained within the location.

“It is therefore not considered to give rise to any significant adverse impact upon the character of the receiving landscape, biodiversity nor the settings of the historic assets within the vicinity. Notwithstanding, a condition requiring appropriate soil management practices would be appropriate.

“The proposed development will have no materially adverse impact upon the historic environment including (but not necessarily limited to) the historic/architectural/cultural value and/or setting or other specified qualities of any listed building, any scheduled ancient monument, any garden and designed landscape, any conservation area or any special built environment area.

“Neither will the proposed development result in any material harm to the natural environment.”