PEOPLE in Helensburgh are being asked to help paint the town pink to raise awareness of breast cancer.

The town's MSP Jackie Baillie added splash of colour at Holyrood to support Breast Cancer Now's Wear It Pink campaign.

She was joined by other politicians at the event in the Scottish Parliament, staged to raise awareness of breast cancer, offer education about the disease in Scotland and raise vital funds for research.

Now, the MSP is calling on residents in her constituency to join her in signing up for Wear It Pink on Friday, October 18.

The event will be staged to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month – which runs until October 31.

Anyone can take part in Wear It Pink, whether at school, work or home.

To join in, just wear something pink or hold a pink-themed event and make a donation to the Breast Cancer Now charity, to help achieve the vision that by 2050, everyone diagnosed with breast cancer lives, and is supported to live well.

Ms Baillie said: “Every 10 minutes, someone in the UK hears the words ‘you have breast cancer’.

“It’s the most common cancer in the UK. Each year around 11,500 women and 85 men lose their lives to the disease. That’s why I’m so passionate about encouraging everyone in my constituency to take part in wear it pink day on Friday.”

She added: “The wear it pink event is a great way to come together with friends and family to have fun whilst raising money for Breast Cancer Now’s world-class research and life-changing support. All it takes is to add an additional splash of pink to your normal outfit!

“I am proud to raise awareness of the impact of the disease locally, and to support and advocate for Breast Cancer Now’s research.

"Breast cancer affects so many people in my constituency, so I hope that everybody will get involved this October and support this very important cause by signing up at wearitpink.”

To take part this October, visit