A WEEKEND open day was full of safety messages and fun in Helensburgh.

The town's fire station hosted its annual open day to promote safety awareness and raise charity funds and invited the whole community.

Scottish Fire and Rescue were joined by Police Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service, with highlights including a bouncy castle, ice cream, games and demonstrations of essential fire safety tips.

Helensburgh Fire Station Open Day, fire fighters, fire station staff and members of attending organisations.

Helensburgh Fire Station Open Day, fire fighters, fire station staff and members of attending organisations

Helensburgh Fire Station Open Day, members of Helensburgh Coastguard

Helensburgh Fire Station Open Day, members of Helensburgh Coastguard

Steven Short and Barclay Bannister from Strathclyde 4X4 Response.

Steven Short and Barclay Bannister from Strathclyde 4X4 Response

Fraser and Cameron Raeside in the back of a police van with police hats.

Fraser and Cameron Raeside in the back of a police van with police hats

Station Commander Donald Gillan told the Advertiser: "There was a constant flow of families coming in to see everything going on.

"We try to do this annually so the local community can come down and have a look at what we do, what we're involved in and our partner agencies.

"We had very positive feedback from all involved."

In total, more than £1,100 was raised for charities on the day.

Children trying on police hi viz jackets and hats.

Children trying on police hi viz jackets and hats

Alisha Clifton and Lucas Harvey with police jackets and hats.

Alisha Clifton and Lucas Harvey with police jackets and hats

Face painting

Face painting

Gordon Donaghy and David Curran from the Scottish Fire Service Heritage Trust.

Gordon Donaghy and David Curran from the Scottish Fire Service Heritage Trust

Kia Campbell being shown how handcuffs are fitted by Police officer.

Kia Campbell being shown how handcuffs are fitted by a police officer

Gillian Johnstone and Anne Reed were on hand to explain home fire safety. They work within with the fire station and visit primary and secondary schools, nursing homes, and local organisation including the Dementia Café.

And they are happy to hear from anyone needing a free home fire safety visit by calling 0800 073 1999 or visiting firescotland.gov.uk.

The youth cadet scheme also took part. Young people learn CPR, life skills, leadership skills and this year took part in the National Drowning Prevention Day at Loch Lomond promoting water safety.

They promote team work and confidence with the aim of preventing deliberate fire setting and anti-social behaviour.

Girl learning how to use a fire hose.

Learning how to use a fire hose

Boy learning how to use a fire hose.

Learning how to use a fire hose

Demonstation of a chip pan fire withing a firebox.

Demonstration of a chip pan fire within a firebox

Mila Leitch driving a fire engine.

Mila Leitch driving a fire engine

Barclay Bannister of Strathclyde 4x4 Response also took part in the open day on September 28. They are a voluntary organisation who use their own vehicles to assist the emergency services when there is rough terrain or extreme weather conditions.

They also help with deliveries of prescription medicine to remote areas, having also helped during Covid getting medicine to those isolating. They are sponsored by Tunnocks.

Fire fighters using heavy cuting equipment to remove a car roof to rescue driver.

Firefighters using heavy cutting equipment to remove a car roof to rescue a driver

Fire fighters using heavy cutting equipment to remove a car roof to rescue driver.

Firefighters using heavy cutting equipment to remove a car roof to rescue a driver

Helensburgh Fire Station open day

Helensburgh Fire Station open day

Demonstation simulating a chip pan fire withing a firebox.

Demonstration simulating a chip pan fire within a firebox

We Are Cycling UK were also on hand and Kirsten Gibson explained that they encourage training, group cycles and e-bike tree-outs. Their junior section "play together on pedals" is for those aged two and up. For more information, contact Kirsten.gibson@CyclingUK.org or phone 07810 656811.

Photos by Ann Stewart