A MUSIC society in Helensburgh has launched a brand new concert series for keen enthusiasts.

Helensburgh Music Society's programme of events will feature five shows held between October this year and March 2025.

The first concert will take place on Sunday, October 13 and will showcase a performance from the Classico Latino group.

Blending the passion and vitality of authentic Latin music with the classical tradition, Classico Latino brings a fresh perspective and new life to Latin American songs from across the continent.

From their beginnings in Cambridge, the group enjoys a regular schedule of concerts around the UK, Europe and further afield, performing live on Classic FM, BBC Radio 3 and at festivals in Latin America.

In November, with the support of the Tunnell Trust, the society welcome the Trio Arisonto in a programme that includes the Brahms Horn Trio.

The violin and harp are showcased in their January concert with the young Barros Pereira-Alves Duo and the eagerly anticipated the return of two ensembles that made a huge impression on the group on their first visit, the Renaissance group Ceruleo and the wind quintet Ensemble Reynard.

Tickets cost £15 for adults, £5 for students and £1 for under 18s, while a season pass costs £50.

A spokesperson from Helensburgh Music Society said: "For many years Helensburgh Music Society has been attracting and providing exposure for very talented up and coming young artists.

"These are challenging times for the arts and Helensburgh Music Society has not escaped the financial implications.

"Despite having lost the funding from one of our most important sources we have kept ticket prices at the same level as last year.

"The society believes in making high quality musical experiences accessible for everyone. If you are a young person learning a musical instrument, you can come along and broaden your musical horizons in the most memorable way for just £1.

"To be able to hear some of the UK’s best known instrumentalists and vocalists without having to travel beyond Helensburgh town centre is a tremendous opportunity."

The first concert in October will take place at 7.30pm at the Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre.

Tickets are available at the door but online booking is strongly recommended to avoid disappointment.

For more information and booking, visit the society's website at helensburghmusicsociety.org.uk.