AN ENRAGED Rosneath dad who confronted a parent over an alleged bullying incident left the man with multiple blunt force injuries and a permanent scar after an attack last year.

Iain McNulty appeared at Dumbarton Sheriff Court on September 24 for sentencing after pleading guilty to assaulting the victim by repeatedly striking him on the head and body to his severe injury and permanent disfigurement.

The court heard that the complainer was told that his child was being bullied by youngsters nearby in the village on April 19 last year.

Procurator fiscal depute Mandy Robertson said that when the man approached the group of youths they ran away, so he shouted his address at them and asked to send the father - McNulty - round to his house.

Later that evening, 40-year-old McNulty drove to the complainer's home and approached the man's door.

The fiscal depute said that when the victim answered he assumed that McNulty was the father of the child he spoke to earlier.

McNulty was immediately aggressive and said 'I'm told to come and see you'.

The victim replied: "Your wean has been bullying my wean."

The hearing was told that he attempted to close the front door, but McNulty pushed it open with the force of his shoulder.

A struggle between the parents then began in the hallway, with McNulty striking the victim three times over the head with his hand.

The homeowner managed to push his attacker back out of the front door but a struggle continued.

McNulty, of Clachan Road, later headed back to his car with his hand in his pocket.

Prosecutor Ms Robertson told the court that the injuries to his hand left the self-employed McNulty £800 out of pocket.

The victim was left with soft tissue damage from multiple blunt-force injuries and a wound on his head that would likely leave a scar after being glued.

Sheriff Lorna Anderson said: "This is a really serious offence.

"This appears to be an isolated incident, however, there are a number of factors that can be said on your behalf; your lack of record and that you appear to be genuinely remorseful about all of this.

"I am looking at a community-based disposal. It is important that we have all the information in front of us."

Sentencing was deferred until October 4.