A public hall is gearing up to host visitors for its open day and annual general meeting.

Cove Burgh Hall will put on a variety of entertainment for locals on Sunday, October 6 from 1pm until 3pm.

The community-owned hall will have stalls and displays from some of their user groups, and the upstairs library will be open.

More than 15 groups - from table tennis to art, line dancing to textiles, films to first responders and many more - will be on hand to chat about their activities and welcome new members.

There will also be live demonstrations of yoga, line dancing, Afro dance keep fit and the Windjammers music group, as well as a welcome from Cove Burgh Hall chairman Graham Bell.

Attendees will also get the chance to meet members of the management board, have a good look around the building at the facilities on offer, and learn more about how to get involved with keeping the hall running.

The afternoon is completely free and will be followed by the meeting shortly after 3pm.