A Garelochhead-based youth project is one of 14 across Argyll and Bute to receive a share of £365,000 to support its efforts.

The funding comes from the Scottish Government's community-led local development fund (CLLD).

Project 81 Youth and Community Enterprise Ltd will use its share of the grant to cover additional staff costs, introduce new activities, expand services, and improve the lighting and fire alarm systems in its buildings.

The CLLD fund allows communities to tackle local challenges, such as eradicating child poverty, growing the economy, tackling the climate emergency, and improving public services.

Councillor Math Campbell-Sturgess, policy lead for business development at the council, said: "The community-led local development fund provides community groups with the ability to tackle their own, unique local challenges.

“By building knowledge and skills, supporting new ideas and encouraging co-operation, the fund helps to create viable and resilient communities.

"I am delighted to see that such a diverse range of projects that have been successful in Argyll and Bute, and I wish them every success.”

The Argyll and the Islands Local Action Group oversees the delivery of the fund, with the council acting as the accountable body responsible for administering it.

Iain MacInnes MBE, chair of the Argyll and the Islands Local Action Group, said: "Across Argyll and Bute there are a huge range of organisations who do amazing work to help our communities thrive.

"This year, there were more applications to the fund than ever, meaning some very difficult decisions.

"We have been delighted to support projects this year which will help support our public services, respond to the climate and nature crises, grow our economy and help children and families in poverty.”