THE team bringing Helensburgh's only cinema into community ownership has received the backing of local politicians, but they still want the public's help.

The 'Save the Tower' steering group was set up earlier this year in a bid to secure a long-term future for the Tower Digital Arts Centre in Sinclair Street.

Earlier this month, the group held two community engagement events to update people in Helensburgh on what's been achieved so far, and were left delighted with the turnout.

They have now launched a survey to hear the views of people in Helensburgh about the idea of a new cinema and arts centre that can operate sustainably at the venue. 

Within two weeks of the launch, the group have received 1,700 responses but they want the public to get behind them to achieve 2,000 responses before the September 30 deadline.

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The group revealed that the centre's founder, Brian Keating, is "contemplating a transition to retirement due to circumstances beyond his control".

As previously reported, the group have been successful in its Stage 1 application to the Scottish Land Fund, and are now working towards Stage 2 of the process.

The grant, approved after the submission of a bid in May, will mean that the team can carry out due diligence on the viability of their plan to bring the cinema into community ownership for the benefit of people in Helensburgh and the surrounding area.

The steering group were successful in its Stage 1 application to the Scottish Land Fund and are now preparing towards Stage 2 (Image: Save the Tower Arts Centre) Donna Hicks, from the Save the Tower Steering Group, said: "We were over the moon at the turnout for our community engagement events.

"It was great to see supporters old and new, and we were joined by elected members local councillor Fiona Howard, MSP Pam Gosal and MSP Jackie Baillie, who are all backing us 100 per cent.

"Our community engagement survey was launched in less than two weeks, almost 1,700 have been completed! 

"This is quite unbelievable and we’d like to thank the community for getting behind us and showing their support.

"However, we want to smash our ambitions, self imposed target of 2,000 completed surveys before the cut off date of September 30.

"The more responses we get, the stronger our argument to the Scottish Land Fund is that Helensburgh wants this precious asset in the hands of the community."

People who wish to complete the survey can go to or paper copies can be picked up from the Submarine Centre on West King Street.

To follow further updates with Save the Tower visit their Facebook page at