PLANS for eight new homes on Rothesay have been unanimously approved by councillors after it was confirmed there is a need for family housing in the town.

The proposal by Fyne Homes, for a site at the junction of Ballochgoy Road and Blain Terrace, attracted 16 signatures to a petition in objection.

But Argyll and Bute Council granted planning permission after councillors unanimously agreed, with a local member highlighting the need for family homes.

The decision was made at a meeting of the council’s planning, protective services and licensing committee on Wednesday, September 18.

Councillor Paul Kennedy (Liberal Democrat, Helensburgh and Lomond South) asked officers: “Is there a housing crisis in Rothesay, like there is in Argyll and Bute?

“I know from the comments there are a few properties in Rothesay that could be upgraded.”

Planning officer Kirsty Sweeney responded: “Like everywhere else, where is a waiting list for Rothesay and there is a need for housing. We do understand that there is a need.

“They have to ensure within the terms of the grant scheme that they have people waiting to go into these houses.”

Councillor Liz McCabe (Independent, Isle of Bute) then said: “We have a lot of similar one-bedroom houses and what is needed now is family homes, which we do not have.

“There is a big waiting list for them, and that is why Fyne Homes are doing this.

“On dilapidated houses, a lot of them are privately owned. If Fyne Homes went round to gather them all together, it would be an impossible task.

“It is a very well needed development.”

The committee then unanimously agreed to award planning permission.