FIVE holiday bothy units are set to be installed on Mull after council chiefs gave the go-ahead.

Andy and Naomi Knight made the application for a site near Mull and Iona Community Hospital, on Java Road at Craignure.

Only one representation, expressing neither objection nor support, was received from Oban and District Access Panel by Argyll and Bute Council planning officers.

The authority this week awarded planning permission, saying that the plans were consistent with the Local Development Plan.

A council planning officer said in a handling report: “The proposed bothy units would be sited in two separate clusters; the information submitted with the application advises that the units would be careful sited discreetly within the landscape so as to retain existing woodland areas and to avoid better quality agricultural land.

“The proposed units would have a matching form and appearance, with each bothy taking a narrow linear form covering an external footprint of approximately 23 square metres.

"The units would each have a steep dual-pitched roof with a ridge height of approximately four metres.

“The bothies would feature modest fenestration and a single rooflight, with a flue protruding from the roofslope.

“The proposed facing and roofing materials would comprise a combination of corrugated sheet metal in rusty red and black and horizontally aligned larch cladding with a natural weathered finish.

"The proposed bothy units would be served by a footpath which would extend from the proposed parking area.”

The officer added: “It is considered that the site would present a suitable location for an appropriately scaled tourism development that would meet the needs of the applicant and contribute to the local economy whilst respecting the existing community and surrounding natural and built environment.

“It is considered that the proposal for the siting of five bothy units for short-term letting purposes is a suitable proposal which accords with the principles and polices… and is a proposal which would benefit the local economy in accordance with one of the central challenges for Argyll and Bute, that of delivering sustainable economic growth.”