PLANS to convert a Helensburgh takeaway into additional hotel bedrooms have been submitted to council officers for a second time.

The proposal relates to the Curry Club, on Old Luss Road, being transformed into extra space for the neighbouring County Hotel.

Argyll and Bute Council refused the previous application in July, citing “significant road safety issues” with regards to a proposed new car park.

Seven objections and one representation were also submitted from the public, but hotel management have now lodged a new application for planning permission.

Council officers are expected to rule on the new bid by the middle of November, and comments can now be submitted by the public.

A design statement submitted with the new application said: “The applicant wishes to increase the number of rooms available to the hotel to meet demand. The additional rooms aim to be attractive, functional, and enhance existing facilities by providing a proportion of barrier free accessible rooms.

“Access shall be from the existing access from the existing footway crossing from Old Luss Road to existing car parking forecourt of The County Hotel. The existing layby will be stopped up.

“Parking shall be augmented with introduction of parking accessed from a footway crossing to the north of the site, giving sufficient car parking required for the current room occupancy, the proposed rooms, and to relocate the displaced layby parking provision.”

A separate transport statement, also part of the suite of documents submitted, added: “The proposals will increase the accommodation capacity by nine double bed ensuite bedrooms.

“Five of the nine new rooms will be barrier free ground floor rooms with frontage access from the existing County Hotel Car Park on the northern boundary of the site, one of which will be wheelchair accessible.

“Four rooms will be located at first floor level. The proposals also include two new ground floor store rooms for laundry etc.

“The proposals meet the minimum car parking requirements. Furthermore Argyll and Bute Council’s hotel parking standards are significantly higher than national standards which are a maximum of 1 per 2.5 bed spaces.

“As such, and based on current car parking demand for the existing 16 rooms, it is considered that the proposed car parking provision is more than sufficient to support the proposals.”

To view the plans and submit feedback, visit the council’s planning portal at and use the reference number 24/01663/PP.