A VITAL pre-school operating for almost 20 years is weeks from closing because of Royal Navy plans.

KangaRhu ELCC in Rhu will lose their home of 17 years because the Ministry of Defence needs the building back for navy families moving to the area.

The pre-school has operated out of one of the married quarters in Smuggler's Way for that time but the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) said they need to carry out building work.

They have been given until October 16, and after the work is complete, it will revert to being a home.

Owner Anne King told the Advertiser: "For the past 17 years in collaboration with the MoD, KangaRhu Pre-school has successfully supported many MoD and local children through their pre-school years based in one of the married quarters in Rhu.

"Property is at a premium in Rhu so we are having great difficulty in securing a premise for the long-term future of the pre-school.

"We are the only setting available between Helensburgh and the Naval Base and as such provide vital support for the local children, many of whom experience a parent being on active service.

"We provide much needed respite, on their doorstep for the family members who are left at home, bringing up children on their own for long periods of time.

"With the MoD support, as a private setting, we have been able to provide families with childcare completely free of any charge by providing the government 1,140 hours free childcare funding."

She added: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank both current and past members who have given us their wholehearted support in trying to reverse the decision and are as disappointed as I am in the DIO confirming it will not change."

The MoD has been approached for comment but has not replied.

Councillor Maurice Corry, whose grandson currently attends KangaRhu, said he has been helping to find a new home in the area.

He said: "I have been helping Anne King, principal and owner of KangaRhu Nursery who is having to relocate the nursery by October 16 after some 17 years in Smugglers Way, Rhu, in a Royal Navy house.

"They hope to relocate within the Rhu and Shandon area and are in discussions on premises in Rhu. Hopefully this will be successful and they have a seamless move over.

"Understandably, the Royal Navy require their house back in Smuggler's Way to have electrical upgrading and renovation work done, ready to receive a Royal Navy/Royal Marine family to take up residence there when they move from the south to Rhu.

"KangaRhu Nursery is well established and has been an excellent nursery over the years and continues to thrive under the principalship and ownership of Anne King. It has been so important for our armed forces families to have such a good nursery within Rhu and Shandon.

"As an armed forces veteran myself. I have a grandson at the nursery just now and his brother was there too and now in Rhu Primary School. Both have loved KangaRhu and learnt so much and sets them up very well for primary school."

Gillian Massie, a concerned granny, said all the children were now "stuck". She currently can walk her two grandchildren to KangaRhu and doesn't drive, limiting options.

She said: "It's the way it's all been done and it's really annoyed us. How is this one house going to make a difference to the Navy estate?

"Anne has spent a lot of money on the place and this has catered for the whole of Rhu for all these years. The Navy families are up in arms as well.

"There's a real shortage in Helensburgh at the moment with John Logie Baird closed at the moment.

"It's really hard to get places. If we had known this at the beginning of the year, we would have had more chance to get places."

A spokesperson for Argyll and Bute Council said: "As a local authority, we have available spaces in nine alternative settings within the Helensburgh and Lomond area.

"The council’s early years team is working with the MoD, to support families with transition arrangements.”