COUNCIL bosses are set to look into possible methods of replacing bags for recycling waste on Coll after the issue was raised at a public meeting.

Councillor Amanda Hampsey (Conservative, Oban South and the Isles) asked the question of an officer about the island, where bags are provided instead of bins.

John Blake, Argyll and Bute Council’s fleet, waste and transport manager, admitted it was “not always possible” to have equal measures in place, but said he would consult with colleagues.

The discussion took place at a meeting of the council’s Oban, Lorn and the Isles area committee on Wednesday, September 11.

Councillor Hampsey asked: “Obviously we are trying to make as much effort as we can to recycle, but there are circumstances such as Coll, where they are provided with bags for recycling.

“What efforts are we able to make to ensure residents across Argyll and Bute all have parity with their recycling?”

Mr Blake responded: “We review the models we have in place, and Coll is slightly different. There are also other areas which are similar.

“We are trying to ensure parity throughout, but in some areas it is not possible to have the same service. I will take this back to my colleagues.”

Mr Blake also addressed concerns from another councillor that recycling waste was simply being disposed of along with general waste in the area.

Councillor Kieron Green (Independent, Oban North and Lorn) asked: “At a community council recently, and not for the first time, there were persistent rumours that all recycling simply ends up in the tip anyway.

“I am presuming that the figures in the report show that the council is recycling and making every effort possible?”

Mr Blake said: “Yes, everything that can be recycled is being recycled across Argyll and Bute.”