A campaign to protect horses and drivers was put into action in Helensburgh earlier this week.

Police Scotland's Operation #LoseTheBlinkers saw their road policing unit and mounted unit join forces to target all road users.

Two plain clothed mounted officers and two road officers in an unmarked vehicle were in Helensburgh on September 10 for the campaign, which particularly focuses on areas near where horse riders stable their animals.

A total of 15 drivers were stopped and told how to pass horses correctly. Three road traffic offences were detected, said police.

Police said they want to remind drivers that horses can be unpredictable and even the best-trained horse can react and move quickly away from what they consider a threat.

(Image: Police Scotland)

They said "there is room for everyone on the road" and asked users to "show some consideration".

Updated guidance under the Highway Code states passing people riding horses or driving horse-drawn vehicles there should be at least two metres of space. They should wait behind them and don't overtake if it's unsafe or not possible to meet those clearances.

(Image: Police Scotland)

Inspector Roddy MacNeill, from Safer Communities, said: "I am urging all road users to keep your speed low and give horses as much room as possible when you pass, as failure to do so is considered careless or even dangerous driving, and drivers face prosecution for failing to do so.

"Likewise, I am urging all horse riders to make sure they are as visible as possible, particular as the days shorten, by wearing high visibility clothing, using lights and giving clear signals."

To read about the 2022 changes to the Highway Code, visit https://orlo.uk/ylg17.