A POPULAR parish priest will retire today after 40 years of service to the church in Helensburgh and beyond.

Monsignor John Hughes will hold his last Friday Mass in Helensburgh, where he has been parish priest at St Joseph's Church and chaplain at St Joseph's Primary.

He marked his 75th birthday, and 40 years in the priesthood, in June, with an 'International Parish Barbecue' that he had set up to celebrate the range of nationalities locally.

Monsignor John Hughes is retiring after 40 years in the priesthood. (Image: Contributed)

"Being here has been a wonderful experience for me," he told the Advertiser. "I have really learned so much from the people here.

"I have enjoyed my ministry here. It has been very, very special moment in 40 years of priesthood."

An 'international parish barbecue' in June marked Mgr Hughes' 75th birthday and celebrated the range of nationalities now living in Helensburgh. (Image: Contributed)

Monsignor Hughes, who has also served as chaplain to Our Lady and St Patrick's High School in Dumbarton, had been rector of the Pontifical Scots College Rome for five years, and before that he was Vice-Rector of the Scotus College seminary in Bearsden.

For many years he was chaplain and lecturer at St Andrew's College of Education, which educated teachers for Catholic schools.

Monsignor Hughes said his experience in education was a factor in using his skills locally. And he said he had enjoyed working with St Joseph's and OLSP.

Mgr Hughes served as both parish priest at St Joseph's and chaplain at St Joseph's Primary. (Image: Contributed)

The first Friday Mass for St Joseph's will also be his last in the parish, and pupils will walk down to celebrate the occasion.

Principal teacher Claire Thomson said: "He will be hugely missed by the parish and both schools.

Mgr Hughes is highly regarded by his flock in Helensburgh. (Image: Contributed)

"In school, we showed our appreciation of his time with us by presenting him with a memories book with drawings and written memories from every pupil in the school.

"One of our youngest and one of our oldest pupils presented the book to Monsignor.

"The memory book was beautifully put together by a staff member, Stacey Aitken.

Pupils at St Joseph's presented a 'memory book' to mark Mgr Hughes' retirement. (Image: Contributed)

"Every class performed a song for Monsignor with the whole school finishing with a two-part rendition of a lively hymn, Seek Ye First."

Mgr Hughes said though he spent much of his career in academia, he enjoyed being in Helensburgh.

"I enjoyed every phase of my priesthood," he said. "I found each one challenging and rewarding.

A special assembly at St Joseph's Primary School was held to say farewell. (Image: Contributed)

"We have had moments of sadness, over the Covid period, for example, when some who had been pillars in the community could not have funerals.

"And we have had other times of great joy. Not long ago, we had my 40th anniversary celebration and it was lovely for the whole parish."

He said in retirement, after the "dust settles", he would be available to the Archbishop to fill in where needed.

Mgr Hughes with staff from St Joseph's Primary in Helensburgh. (Image: Contributed)

Father Gregory Zungdet is moving from Clydebank to fill Mgr Hughes' role at St Joseph's.

Mgr Hughes added: "It is sad to leave a wonderful parish.

"Thank you for being so supportive, for being so dynamic in your faith, and sharing your Christian discipleship in this area."