Helensburgh's MSP visited local businesses to show her support during Scotland Loves Local week.

The event, organised by Scotland's Towns Partnership (STP), showcased the best of local businesses and highlighted the critical need for the support residents can offer.

MSP Jackie Baillie met with traders in her constituency to highlight the variety of services available in Dumbarton, Alexandria, and Helensburgh.

She visited Helensburgh’s Deli in the Square, Dumbarton eatery Roo's Kitchen, and Wilkie's EyeCare and Jewellers in Alexandria.

She said: “Businesses such as Roo’s Kitchen, Deli in the Square and Wilkie’s are dedicated local traders, at the very forefront of their communities across Dunbartonshire and Helensburgh.

“Scotland Loves Local Week offers a chance to recognise their efforts and thank them for all that they are doing.

“I was pleased to meet with Sian Wilkie, Anna Curley and Amy Edwards, to hear about the work they do in the community and the support they receive.

“By supporting local businesses like these, we can ensure their survival, safeguard jobs, and keep money circulating in the local economy.

“Loving local means supporting a sustainable future for Dumbarton, Alexandria and Helensburgh and Lomond and making them even better places to live, work and visit.”

Kimberley Guthrie, interim chief officer at STP, said: “Scotland Loves Local Week is a nationwide celebration of local excellence and it is fantastic that we’re welcoming politicians from across the country into businesses, social enterprises and community-led organisations to showcase the great spirit of entrepreneurialism and innovation we have here in Scotland.

"The simple act of choosing local has a profound effect, laying the foundations of a new future for towns and neighbourhoods as we seize and create opportunities to make them stronger and more sustainable."