The preferred bidder for Helensburgh's vacant waterfront development site has finally been chosen.

Forrest Development Ltd were named by the council to deliver the final stage of the waterfront's redevelopment.

The proposal allows for single-storey commercial units, one large enough for a supermarket, and additional smaller units; an area for a skate park, and space for additional car parking.

But the identity of the supermarket set to occupy the largest unit on the site remains a mystery.

Argyll and Bute Council have repeatedly stressed the process had to be run this way because of commercial sensitivity. They also said there was no unanimous view of the community, despite repeated surveys showing a majority did not want a large retailer on site.

Helensburgh Community Council was the only bid out of nine submissions to be made public, pitching a mixed use for the land with space for independent business "pods", events and leisure.

They reached a shortlist of five bidders, but failed to make the final two, both presumed to be retail before today's announcement.

The land was previously home to the town's swimming pool before the new Helensburgh Leisure Centre was built. 

Since the old structure was demolished, the land has remained empty, except for the re-instatement of the town's skate park, something which had been a condition of planning permission for the new centre.

The council said any bidders for development should include space for the skate park, but officials have made it clear they would prefer the skate park to be located elsewhere in the town, with Kidston Park the authority's preferred location.

Even after the decision was made in the council meeting, the process remained entirely secret.

A council press release confirming the decision was sent 24 hours after the meeting ended, with the debate on the waterfront closed to the press and public.

In the release, Councillor Ross Moreland, policy lead for finance and commercial services, said: “It is really positive that we attracted such a high level of interest in this important site in what are very challenging economic and commercial circumstances.

"It shows a lot about the strength and attraction of Helensburgh. The regeneration of the waterfront is about supporting day-to-day life and longer term economic success for Helensburgh.

"Today’s decision is another step forward in building on the successful transformation the waterfront area has already seen.

"It’s about making good things happen for Helensburgh.”

Nobody in the meeting could reveal the results until a press release was issued.

Donald Stewart, managing director of Forrest Development Ltd, said: "We are delighted to have been named preferred developer for this exciting project and look forward to sharing our plans."

Reacting to the decision, Helensburgh Central Councillor Fiona Howard said: "Whatever decision was made on the seafront site it was never going to be popular with everyone but I think the preferred bidder chosen on Thursday will have something to offer all sides of the debate as well as, potentially, bringing considerable community benefit and meeting the council's financial imperative. Not a win, win but not a lose, lose either."