A Green MSP says residents are "determined to stop" plans to build a Flamingo Land resort on Loch Lomond as he attends a public meeting.

Ross Greer, MSP for West Scotland, says a 'packed' meeting organised by the Save Loch Lomond campaign is evidence that the community is determined to stop the Lomond Banks development proposed by Flamingo Land Ltd.

Held at Lomond Parish Church in Balloch, Greer attended along with national parks campaigner Nick Kempe.

An online petition started by the Scottish Greens in objection to the plans has currently received over 140,000 signatures.

Speaking after the meeting, Mr Greer said: “Flamingo Land has treated Balloch with contempt for almost a decade now, but this meeting was a great reminder of how determined local residents still are to stop them.

The Scottish Greens are proud to have stood alongside the community throughout this saga and we will do everything in our power over these critical final weeks to ensure these destructive mega-resort plans are rejected.

“People are understandably very frustrated and fed up after years of campaigning against Flamingo Land’s proposals. This has taken so much time and energy which could have gone into progressing any of the great alternative ideas for the site which have come forward over recent years.

"None of us know which way the final decision will go, but whatever happens, I am proud of our campaign to save Loch Lomond from the most unpopular planning application in Scottish history. I hope the National Park board make the right choice on September 16.”

READ MORE: Date set for decision on controversial Flamingo Land plans

Lomond Banks developers have continued to back their proposal citing that they are confident they can deliver benefits to the local economy.

Jim Paterson, Development Director for Lomond Banks, said: "Our planning application for Lomond Banks builds on over two years of extensive community engagement.

"Through real, positive dialogue with local residents, businesses, and stakeholders, we've shaped our plans to meet the area's needs and aspirations for job creation, economic growth, and inward investment, whilst being sympathetic to the area’s natural beauty.

“We are confident that our proposal will create a world-class, sustainable destination that will not only enhance the area but deliver substantial benefits to the local economy. Lomond Banks will be a catalyst for investment, generating opportunities for both the local community and Scottish tourism for years to come.

“Given the site's designation for visitor experience uses within the Local Development Plan, we believe our revised proposals offer an exciting vision for the gateway to Loch Lomond, and we now await the decision from Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority on September 16.”