A HELENSBURGH salon has been shortlisted for a national prize thanks to the support of its customers.

Harleys Vanity Box, in West Princes Street, is up for Team of the Year at Nation's Hair and Beauty Awards.

Jocelyn Stibbs,owner and senior hair stylist, will travel to Manchester later this month with senior beauty therapist Anet Gallacher, hair stylist Logan Stang and junior stylist Elisha Foxx to find out if they've won.

The salon marked ten years in business back in March, and it was thanks to public votes that it got shortlisted.

A winner will be chosen combining that vote with their professional work.

Jocelyn, who has been hairdressing for 20 years as of August 10, told the Advertiser: "This one is quite personal because it's based on all the staff working together.

"You need to find the hard-working staff. Ours are hardworking and up to date on all the latest trends.

"We had to hand in a portfolio with all the staff work and descriptions of the work.

"Thank you to all our clients for their support."

The salon previously won Spotlight Salon of the Year 2022 at the Scottish Hair and Beauty Awards, national top five for Salon Team of the Year 2023 at the UK Hair and Beauty Awards, and winner of the Neighbourhood Hair and Beauty Salon of the year 2023 at the Scottish Hair and Beauty Awards.

They were also a finalist for Hair and Beauty Salon of the Year at the Scottish Business Awards 2024.

As well as being up for the team prize in Manchester on August 25, Jocelyn is up for colour technician of the year 2024 at the UK Hair and Beauty Awards.