PLANS have been submitted for four villas to be built near luxury guest accommodation in Oban.

The application by a Mr P Sebright is for land adjacent to Glencruitten House, in the town.

The proposal would see additional exclusive rooms provided at the house, and is said to bring “economic benefits” to Oban.

A decision on planning permission by Argyll and Bute Council planning officers is expected by late September, and the public can now submit comments on the application.

A supporting statement, planning agents Macarc said: “To provide additional exclusive rooms as part of this business, four ancillary villa buildings are proposed which, while detached, will be served by Glencruitten House and form part of the business.

“The villas are small in area (36 square metres) and will provide a bedroom and en suite bathroom. Externally they will feature solid stone to the walls and natural slate to the roof. Windows and doors will be black aluminium with fine astragals.

“The villas have been located away from Glencruitten House to ensure they do not affect the setting of this listed building, and their location means they will be indiscernible to the public.

“The existing vehicular access and parking areas will continue to serve the house. It is anticipated that vehicular movements (four) when coupled with that of Glencruitten House (12) will be no greater than that of the previous Glencruitten HMO (house of multiple occupancy) use which allowed for 20 guests – effectively a reduction of four vehicle movements per day.

“The proposals will enable the applicant to add four unique bedrooms to a successful guest house business. Without affecting the listed building or public vistas, it will bring economic benefits and be an asset to the town.”

To view the plans and submit feedback to planning officers, visit the council’s planning portal at and use the reference number 24/01354/PP.