A HELENSBURGH drug dealer has been given a last chance to stay out of jail.

Connor Milne appeared at Dumbarton Sheriff Court last week over three separate drugs incidents in the town.

The 30-year-old pleaded guilty in June to being in possession of the class A drug MDMA, or ecstasy, with intent to supply back on March 30, 2023.

Police made the discovery at his Old Luss Road home in the town on March 30, 2023.

He also pleaded guilty last year to possession of cannabis and cocaine on May 12, 2023, and cocaine on August 4, 2023.

Milne was on various bail orders at the time of the offences.

All the discoveries were made at his home address.

The court heard there were 49 tablets in the March 2023 crime.

Defence solicitor Stephen McGuire said it was for "social supply", which he said was "an oft misquoted phrase".

Mr McGuire said he accepted his client had met the custody threshold for punishment, but that there was an alternative.

Sheriff James Mulgrew told Milne: "Possession of a class A drug is a very serious matter. It's made all the worse because of your record.

"However, you have made progress in the year since the offence.

"If you're found with the same amount again, and were prosecuted at the High Court, then the minimum sentence is seven years.

"You know where you're at."

He added that "in light of your record, it would almost inevitably be custody" if he failed to comply with a community payback order.

For the crime in March 2023, Milne will be under supervision by social workers for 12 months and must do 150 hours of unpaid work in that time.

The order was imposed as a direct alternative to custody.

He was admonished for the two other cases.