A BID to amend the planning permissions for six new houses near Luss has been lodged with National Park officials – but the proposals have already run into opposition.

Luss Estates is seeking permission to amend the conditions attached to two separate applications for developments of three homes apiece in the hamlet of Muirlands, on the B832 north of the Crosskeys roundabout – specifically in relation to traffic calming measures at the sites.

Both applications were approved by officials from the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority in September 2021, but under a standard rule for planning permissions in Scotland, work must start within three years of permission being granted.

That means both permissions will lapse in two months’ time if work has not begun.

As granted in 2021, the permissions for both state that traffic calming measures must be implemented “prior to the construction works commencing”.

But Luss Estates, and its agents Houghton Planning, are asking for the wording of that condition to be changed, so that the measures can be implemented after building work starts, but “prior to the occupation of any of the dwellings hereby approved”.

Two objections have been lodged with the park authority in the course of the last week, both raising road safety concerns because of the narrowness of the B832 as it passes through Muirlands.

One of the objectors stated: “The road is too narrow for large vehicles. The speed that some cars are doing coming around the bends is insane.

“My objection remains on the basis the sites chosen are both on blind corners.

"They are accidents waiting to happen if the plans go ahead.”

Houghton Planning, in a letter to park officials, state: “The intention is to try to implement the two existing permissions before they expire on September 15.

“However, due to the wording of condition 5, which requires the traffic calming to have been installed before any other construction works can commence, the decision has been taken to submit two applications to amend the wording of condition 5 on each consent."

Park authority officials have set a ‘determination deadline’ for the applications of Tuesday, August 27.

The two applications and associated paperwork can be viewed on the National Park’s planning website at eplanning.lochlomond-trossachs.org by searching for the reference codes 2024/0164/DET and 2024/0165/DET.