A HELENSBURGH bar has been refused planning permission for a seating area outside its town centre premises due to concerns over another part of the plans.

The part-retrospective proposal by Metro Inns was for the installation of awning and the repainting of the façade at the Royal Bar, on West Clyde Street.

It also included plans for a change of use of the pavement to form a seating area, together with the formation of a covered smoking area.

However, an Argyll and Bute Council planning officer recommended refusal on the grounds that a change of use for a neighbouring alleyway was “unacceptable in terms of siting, design and placemaking”.

Helensburgh Community Council was among the objectors to the proposal, citing concerns about the use of the footpath and customers moving further on to the pavement.

But the planning officer said that the use of the pavement was now permitted after an amendment order, and did not require planning permission.

In total, the authority received nine objections from the public, including one which claimed the work had already been carried out. The officer responded that unauthorised works were undertaken at the owner’s risk.

In a handling report, the officer said: “Whilst The Royal’s customers can access the proposed smoking/drinking area through the premises it is likely that customers would use the narrow footway, shared by the neighbouring residences.

“The submitted plans indicate that the seating area protrudes 1.5m from the front elevation with 2.7m of pavement width remaining. This indicates the seating area is within the limitations of Class 9L of the order and is complaint with Argyll and Bute Council’s pavement café guidelines. In turn, planning permission is not required for the pavement seating area to the front of the premises.

“The rear-facing windows of some of these properties overlook the service area. The proposed change of use presents an unacceptable risk of harm to residential amenity in terms of noise disturbance and odour.

“Further, the combined use of customer seating area and storage of waste materials (including domestic waste storage adjoining the site) are incompatible on this site and creates an unpleasant amenity space for customers and residents alike.

“Residents and staff of the adjoining properties who are required to use the alleyway (such as to access stores, as indicated through an objection to this application) would be required to navigate the space with customers who are smoking and consuming alcohol.

“With no passive surveillance, and no clear line of vision between the customer seating area and the public house, the enclosure presents a hostile and seemingly unsafe space for both customers and local residents/ staff members.”

The officer added: “The proposed change of paint colour to the ground floor front elevation and erection of retractable awning is acceptable. The use of part of the public pavement and placing of furniture does not require planning permission.

“However, a planning application cannot be approved in part, and the proposed change of use of the alleyway with associated decked enclosure is considered unacceptable in terms of siting, design and placemaking as set out in this report.

“It is recommended therefore that this application be refused.”