COUNCILLORS in Argyll and Bute claimed slightly less in expenses in the last year than they did during the previous 12 months, figures have revealed.

A report published by the authority has shown that it paid out a total of £60,241 in expenses to its 36 councillors in the 2023/24 financial year.

That is a slight decrease on the £63,412 paid out in expenses during 2022/23. The previous two financial years had seen total expenses come under £15,000 due to Covid and most meetings taking place remotely.

The total paid out in expenses does not include telephone and ICT expenses, which are paid directly by the council.

The report also reveals that £846,954 before tax was paid in salaries to councillors by the authority during 2023/24 – nearly £50,000 more than the previous year.

That figure includes £5,472 to former councillor Paul Collins as a salary adjustment for 2021/23.

Mr Collins represented the Lomond North ward as a Conservative councillor from December 2021 to May 2022, when he did not seek re-election.

The financial year ended on Sunday, March 31, and so does not include the period when the group of councillors now known as the Administration Partnership took control of the council.

The area’s former provost, Councillor Maurice Corry (Conservative, Lomond North), was paid the most in expenses last year, with his final total, minus telephone and ICT expenses, being £11,284.

His expenses included £7,105 for use of a council car – the only such claim by any councillor – with his role as provost requiring him to travel to events across the area.

The late former leader Robin Currie, who represented the Kintyre and the Islands ward as a Liberal Democrat councillor, was paid £11,225 after the same deduction.

Mr Currie was a resident of Islay and was required to travel to the mainland numerous times to attend community council meetings and other events.

The council’s former deputy leader, Councillor Gary Mulvaney (Conservative, Helensburgh Central), was paid no expenses at all in 2023/24, even for telephone and ICT use.

Several other councillors only claimed telephone/ICT expenses and as such were paid no expenses in addition to their salary.

Executive director Douglas Hendry said: “The amounts shown are not the amounts actually received by councillors.

“Firstly, the remuneration payments shown are gross figures which are then subject to tax and national insurance deductions.

“Secondly, other expense payments relate solely to the reimbursement of actual expenditure incurred by the councillor and are all backed up with receipts.

“Thirdly, the council decided that it would be more effective, where necessary, to provide a broadband connection for councillors for council business related communication and telephone calls.

“No reimbursement has been made to councillors in respect of such costs – when required these are all paid for directly by the council on behalf of councillors.”

The amount claimed by each councillor, after deduction of telephone/ICT expenses, was:

John Armour (SNP, South Kintyre) £1,295

Gordon Blair (SNP, Cowal) £868

Jan Brown (SNP, Mid Argyll) £1,301

Math Campbell-Sturgess (SNP, Helensburgh and Lomond South) £672

Garret Corner (Conservative, Mid Argyll) £0

Maurice Corry (Conservative, Lomond North) £11,284

Robin Currie (Liberal Democrat, Kintyre and the Islands) £11,225

Audrey Forrest (SNP, Dunoon) £2,896

Kieron Green (Independent, Oban North and Lorn) £1,607

Amanda Hampsey (Conservative, Oban South and the Isles) £5,592

Daniel Hampsey (Conservative, Dunoon) £1,191

Graham Hardie (Liberal Democrat, Helensburgh Central) £79

Fiona Howard (Labour, Helensburgh Central) £0

Willie Hume (SNP, Oban South and the Isles) £1,741

Mark Irvine (Independent, Lomond North) £0

Andrew Kain (Independent, Oban South and the Isles) £3,369

Donald Kelly (Independent, South Kintyre – councillor until September 28) £0

Jennifer Kelly (Independent, South Kintyre – councillor from November 3) £169

Paul Kennedy (Liberal Democrat, Helensburgh and Lomond South) £0

Reeni Kennedy-Boyle (SNP, Isle of Bute) £889

Jim Lynch (SNP, Oban South and the Isles) £412

Ian MacQuire (SNP, Helensburgh Central) £0

Luna Martin (Scottish Greens, Oban North and Lorn) £20

Liz McCabe (Independent, Isle of Bute) £865

Dougie McFadzean (SNP, Kintyre and the Islands) £4,231

Julie McKenzie (SNP, Oban North and Lorn) £0

Yvonne McNeilly (Conservative, Cowal) £288

Tommy MacPherson (Independent, South Kintyre) £710

Ross Moreland (Liberal Democrat, Dunoon) £332

Gary Mulvaney (Conservative, Helensburgh Central) £0

Iain S Paterson (SNP, Lomond North) £382

Gemma Penfold (Conservative, Helensburgh and Lomond South) £0

Douglas Philand (Independent, Mid Argyll) £544

Alastair Redman (Independent, Kintyre and the Islands) £5,137

William Sinclair (Liberal Democrat, Cowal) £2,371

Andrew Vennard (Conservative, Oban North and Lorn) £0

Peter Wallace (Conservative, Isle of Bute) £865