Primary school leavers in Helensburgh and Lomond can enjoy summer evenings full of fun at a series of sports nights coming to town in the next few weeks. 

Run by LiveArgyll’s Active Schools team and Police Scotland, children can take part in Friday night multi-sport camps for three weeks.

Activities include rugby, football, tennis, karate, basketball and boccia, with more to be announced soon.

The free events will run every Friday from July 5 until July 19 from 6-8pm at Hermitage Academy.

The aim is to encourage Primary 7 pupils who are heading off to high school after the summer to come along and get involved with sports, as well as trying out something new.

It's also an opportunity to build on the 'Hooked on Hermitage' transition event held earlier in June to help make the step up from primary to secondary school for Helensburgh and Lomond's P7s a little bit less daunting.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "This gives the young people a chance to familiarise themselves with the school sporting facilities and get to know the active schools’ coordinators and myself prior to them starting in August.

"We can often see an increase in anti-social behaviour during school holidays, particularly the summer, and a common complaint from young people is that there are no youth spaces in the area.

"This is why Police Scotland have worked in partnership with Live Argyll and Active Schools to create these Friday night multi sports events to give the young people a chance to take up a new hobby, meet new friends and stay active.

"It is the hope that the events attracts the numbers with the view of keeping this going throughout the year and opening up to older age groups.

"Young people are a big part of the wider community, and it is important that we provide them with spaces so they can enjoy activities safely and responsibly, by doing this it will play a key part in diverting from anti-social behaviour issues and incidents."

Registration prior to the event is advised, but on the night arrivals will be accepted with permission of a parent or carer.

For more information about the event email Thomas Guy-Conroy at or visit the organisation's Eventbrite page at