PLANS for a house in the garden of a Helensburgh property have been approved unanimously, despite 16 objections – including one from a councillor.

Argyll and Bute Council’s planning, protective services and licensing committee agreed to grant planning permission to Joe Lafferty’s proposal for 47 Campbell Street.

Councillor Fiona Howard (Labour, Helensburgh Central) had submitted an objection to the proposals, before she joined the committee.

She temporarily left the committee meeting, as did Helensburgh and Lomond South Liberal Democrat Councillor Paul Kennedy, who declared an interest as he knows Mr Lafferty.

The committee met on Wednesday, June 19.

Chair Councillor Kieron Green (Independent, Oban North and Lorn) told a planning officer: “The committee did have extensive discussions about the conservation area concerning another application.

“One point that arose was that it emerged, in part, to protect some of the larger scale villas in Helensburgh from being encroached on by developments affecting the character of the area.

“You have touched upon how this proposal is subservient to the house, but can you expand a bit on why this does not pose a detrimental impact?”

Planning officer Norman Shewan responded: “It is within a conservation area and, in accordance with national legislation, there is a requirement for the local authority to be satisfied that the proposal preserves or enhances the character of the area.

“So officers must be aware that the site is within a conservation area.

“That is not a blanket constraint on any development, but it means the application has to be considered more carefully on the basis of a detailed understanding of the conservation area’s characteristics.

“Helensburgh Community Council has pointed out that a conservation area appraisal statement should be a material consideration, and I can confirm it was taken into account.

“Smaller, modest buildings that are clearly subservient in terms of the scale design in relation to larger villas are not at all uncommon in the wider character of the Helensburgh conservation area.

“Officers have not recommended this without a very detailed assessment of the conservation area.

“They are happy to support small scale developments within rear curtilages, provided it does not harm the appearance of the area.”

Councillor Graham Hardie (Liberal Democrat, Helensburgh Central) added: “Knowing the area reasonably well, I would definitely agree with the planning officer.

“I do not think the application will have a detrimental effect on the conservation area.”

The application was unanimously approved.