A workshop run by an award-winning Helensburgh musician is coming to the town next week.

Eilidh Steel is an talented fiddler and composer who is known for her expressive and stylistic playing.

The session is open to all melody players who are intermediate level and up (e.g., fiddle/violin, accordion, mandolin, clàrsach, etc) and will focus on gaining confidence in playing by ear – with all sheet music provided.

Eilidh Steel’s workshop will take place at the Helensburgh Baptist Church Hall on Sunday, June 23 from 2pm to 4pm.

She said: “People have been very quick in signing up to this workshop. There is a good number of people who have booked their places but it is being held in a large hall so there is still plenty of room for more people to attend.

“As well as learning some new traditional Scottish tunes you will also get to learn a few useful Gaelic phrases with Alasdair Allan during the tea break and meet and chat to fellow local musicians.

“Huge thanks to Creative Scotland, Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Fèisean nan Gàidheal for making running this workshop possible, and also to Helensburgh Baptist Church for kindly providing the venue.”

The Helensburgh musician toured the UK and abroad with bands from the age of 16.

She then attended the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow and since graduating has worked as a touring musician, composer, and tutor.

The workshop is operating on a pay as you can basis and all money will fund future music workshops in Helensburgh.

All ages are welcome to attend but under 16s must bring a guardian.

The workshop will take place on the ground floor where there is a ramp into the building and the venue has a disabled toilet.

Those who need any assistance or further information should get in touch by email.

To book your place or find out more, email helensburghtradsession@yahoo.com and mention what instrument you play.

The workshop has been made possible by support from the Maoin nan Ealan Gàidhlig fund.

The event is being run in association with the Helensburgh trad music session which happens on the first Monday of the month at the Commodore Hotel from 7pm to 9pm.

People of all ages are welcome to join in or listen during these sessions.

See the session’s Facebook page for more details: www.facebook.com/HelensburghTraditionalMusicSession.

Find out more about Eilidh from her website: www.eilidhsteel.com.