Schools in Helensburgh and Lomond are due to break off for summer soon, and people are planning their trips for the holidays. 

We have covered many stories this week from a second world war veteran celebrating a very special birthday, plans for a temporary school in Helensburgh lodged and the many achievements of people in the community.

But what was happening in and around the town 15 years ago this month?

In the June 18, 2009 edition of the paper, we celebrated people's awards and achievements in Helensburgh, reported on the fundraising events for a local cause and why young people in the Peninsula rolled up their sleeves to help their hometowns.

Helensburgh girl Natasha McLean was honoured at a meeting of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee. Chairman Councillor George Freeman was called on to present her with the Argyll and Bute Junior Sports Volunteer of the Year Award. Natasha was honoured for her work with Stramash as a member of the junior management committee. In her final year at Hermitage Academy she was leaving the area to attend Aberdeen University to study primary teaching.Helensburgh girl Natasha McLean was honoured at a meeting of the Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee. Chairman Councillor George Freeman was called on to present her with the Argyll and Bute Junior Sports Volunteer of the Year Award. Natasha was honoured for her work with Stramash as a member of the junior management committee. In her final year at Hermitage Academy she was leaving the area to attend Aberdeen University to study primary teaching. (Image: Newsquest)

AwardsJohn Harland was the toast of Helensburgh as he received the Temp of the Year award for 2009 at the Rosslea Hall Hotel. He picked up the prestigious prize from workforce staff and business agency during National Temporary Week which recognises the important contribution temporary workers make to the economy in the UK.  The Scottish Parliament also joined together in congratulating Mr Harland for his amazing achievement.

Locals turned out in force to raise funds for Geilston Hall - and were blessed with sunny weather at the annual event. Over 100 people attended the BBQ and Dance fund-raiser for Geilston Hall, which was unfortunately cancelled the previous year because of wet weather. It was a fantastic evening at the venue and locals danced the night away to a Scottish Ceilidh band raising £640.Locals turned out in force to raise funds for Geilston Hall - and were blessed with sunny weather at the annual event. Over 100 people attended the BBQ and Dance fund-raiser for the Cardross community venue, which was unfortunately cancelled the previous year because of wet weather. It was a fantastic evening at the venue and locals danced the night away to a Scottish ceilidh band raising £640.

Peninsula youngsters rolled up their sleeves and got to work cleaning up the beaches The children, from the Kilcreggan and Rosneath wardens, got their bin bags ready as part of the Helensburgh and Lomond Junior Scheme. They collected around 50kgs of plastic and other non-biodegradable material from the beach at Silver Bay, Kilcreggan, along with numerous vehicle wheels, tyres and traffic cones. The purpose of the scheme is to promote citizenship in young people with the aim of helping to tackle nuisance and anti-social behaviour. Similar schemes have proved successful in educating youths about the negative effects of litter and the value of making their community a nicer place in which to live.Peninsula youngsters rolled up their sleeves and got to work cleaning up the beaches. The children, from the Kilcreggan and Rosneath wardens, got their bin bags ready as part of the Helensburgh and Lomond Junior Scheme. They collected around 50kgs of plastic and other non-biodegradable material from the beach at Silver Bay, Kilcreggan, along with numerous vehicle wheels, tyres and traffic cones. The scheme was set up to promote citizenship in young people with the aim of helping to tackle nuisance and anti-social behaviour. Similar schemes have proved successful in educating youths about the negative effects of litter and the value of making their community a nicer place in which to live

When a good idea is planted in fertile ground it just grows ... and that is what happened in Kirkmichael. It was the week that the Kirkmichael Community Garden was officially opened by MSP Jackie Baillie in the company of many community representatives including all the Helensburgh and Lomond Councillors, MP Alan Reid, representatives of the police and fire services, community workers and local residents. Isaac Owens, chairman of the Helensburgh and Lomond Community Representatives Forum told the gathered crowd that the idea had come about when the Forum found itself in the happy position of having a little extra money. Now with its wonderful willow den, its pretty flower beds, its magical reading and activity area for children and its comfortable seats for the grown ups it is a blooming great addition to the community facility at the Kirkmichael centre.When a good idea is planted in fertile ground it just grows - and that is what happened in Kirkmichael. It was the week that the Kirkmichael Community Garden was officially opened by MSP Jackie Baillie in the company of many community representatives including all the Helensburgh and Lomond councillors, MP Alan Reid, representatives of the police and fire services, community workers and local residents. Isaac Owens, chairman of the Helensburgh and Lomond Community Representatives Forum, told the gathered crowd that the idea had come about when the Forum found itself in the happy position of having a little extra money. With its wonderful willow den, its pretty flower beds, its magical reading and activity area for children and its comfortable seats for the grown ups it was a blooming great addition to the community facility at the Kirkmichael centre.

It’s hard to keep a secret in a village — but the villagers of Garelochhead managed it when they planned a mark a special occasion to celebrate their minister’s 20th anniversary at the church. The Rev Alastair Duncan was celebrating 20 years since his call to Garelochhead Parish Church but what he didn’t know was that his parishioners were busy behind the scenes organising a surprise party for him.It’s hard to keep a secret in a village — but the villagers of Garelochhead managed it when they planned a mark a special occasion to celebrate their minister’s 20th anniversary at the church. The Rev Alastair Duncan, pictured with his family, was celebrating 20 years since his call to Garelochhead Parish Church, but what he didn’t know was that his parishioners were busy behind the scenes organising a surprise party for him.