HELENSBURGH Community Council has hit out at the long wait for a decision on the fate of the town's waterfront development site.

The group's secretary grilled local councillors at an area committee meeting this week after the future of the site did not feature on the agenda.

It was also claimed that while some councillors from outwith Helensburgh and Lomond had responded to a letter from the community council, no local ones had done so.

The discussion took place at a meeting of Argyll and Bute Council’s Helensburgh and Lomond area committee on Tuesday, June 11.

Sarah Davies, HCC's secretary, asked during public question time: “Why is the waterfront development not on the agenda today? At the last meeting, a decision was taken in private to select two preferred bidders, but since then we have heard nothing.

“We expected it to be discussed by the policy and resources committee [on May 9], but it was not on that agenda.

“We had heard that the committee would hold a business day to discuss it further – has this happened? And if not, when will it happen, and how will any decisions be reported to Helensburgh residents?

“We wrote to all councillors expressing serious concerns with the process.

A decision on the site's future is expected in August after councillors whittled down expressions of interest to two preferred bidders.A decision on the site's future is expected in August after councillors whittled down expressions of interest to two preferred bidders. (Image: Newsquest)

"We believe community views have been excluded and are concerned this will lead to a large retail development on the waterfront site, against the wishes of the community.

“The letter was also sent to the chief executive, our local MP and MSP. We have had discussions with the MP and MSP, and we have had responses from a few councillors.

“But not a single one from the local area has sent a response. We have heard from Ross McLaughlin [Argyll and Bute Council's head of commercial services] informing us that the community council will be further consulted once a decision has been made.

“In our view, this is too late. What will now be the process and how will the community be involved in any decision about this prime and valued site in our town?”

Councillor Mark Irvine (Independent, Lomond North), chairing the committee for the first time, responded: “I believe that the leader [Oban South and the Isles SNP councillor Jim Lynch] wrote back to you.

“There will be a business day on Wednesday, June 26 with the officers involved in the project, to allow members to continue to see the where the project has evolved.

“Beyond that, it will go to the policy and resources committee in August for approval, as set out by the previous administration.

“There is not a great deal more we can tell you.”