THE Helensburgh to Dumbarton cycle path could be set back another year if vital work is not carried out this summer, a Cardross resident has warned.

Lindsay Young, of the Cycle Path Action Group in the village, was responding to a report which listed several actions by previous design consultants which were unfinished when their contract ended earlier this year.

But a council officer has said that a solution is unlikely to be found while there is no funding in place.

It is hoped that some of the money required could be secured over the summer months.

The report had also revealed that the full path could be delayed by a further two years, with the projected date for full completion now early 2032.

Outstanding actions included ground investigation, a flood risk assessment and drainage design.

The involvement of Glasgow-based firm WSP as design consultants with the project ended in March.

The discussion took place at a meeting of Argyll and Bute Council’s Helensburgh and Lomond area committee on Tuesday, June 11.

Ms Young asked during public question time: “Would the committee take the time to consider the outstanding work by WSP? There is a clear list of this outstanding work in the report.

A short completed section of the Helensburgh to Dumbarton cycle path, in CardrossA short completed section of the Helensburgh to Dumbarton cycle path, in Cardross (Image: Mark McGhee)

“This work can only be done during the summer months, so if it is not done in the next two to three months, it will not get done for another year.

“I do literacy training with primary seven pupils at Cardross. They are about to leave, get on their bikes and go to Hermitage Academy, but they cannot, because they know they do not have a cycle path, or safe way out of the village.

“It is about getting these studies done, and it needs to be done this summer, or we will have lost three years.

“If we cannot get the landowners’ agreement, then I believe there is such a thing as a section 22 which will allow access to the land.”

Colin Young, the council’s strategic transportation delivery officer, arrived at the meeting later and provided a response then.

He said: “There are elements of work requiring undertaking during the summer, which are effectively surveys of flora and fauna.

“WSP’s involvement is now finished, and they did not claim their entire fee, but because of the funding we spent last year, we do not automatically get it back this year.

“Until we get it, we do not have any funds to pay for the work.

"I think it is probably going to be July or August before we get it and it is likely to continue into late autumn. It is a right nuisance.”

Councillor Ian MacQuire (SNP, Helensburgh Central) asked: “On the deliverables not met by WSP, have they been paid for any of this, or can the council get the funding back?”

Mr Young said: “They have been paid for what they have done, but not what they have not done. For a significant number of these, they have done some of the work, but not all.”