Members of Rhu and Shandon Parish Church are urging locals to donate to their upcoming foodbank collection this weekend.

The collection is taking place on Saturday, June 8 from 10am to 11am within the church grounds.

The following items are urgently needed: Tinned meat; tinned fish; tinned vegetables; tinned tomatoes; tinned milk puddings; blue and green cartons of long-life milk; soya milk; fruit juice; breakfast cereals; pasta; pasta sauce; rice; packets of 40 foil teabags; bottles of vegetable oil; small jars of coffee, and jars of peanut butter.

The church cannot take fresh food, opened items, or out of date food.

A spokesperson for the church said: “Our wonderful caring community has generously supported the foodbank for many years.

“We appreciate that the cost-of-living crisis affects us all, but with increasing numbers needing the foodbank support, any contribution - however small - will be gratefully appreciated.”