A number of grieving families have been contacted over a scandal at a former funeral home.

Argyll and Bute Council has been passed the remains of eight individuals after Police Scotland began investigating A Milne Funeral Directors.

The firm had a premises in Dumbarton which closed last year and one in Springburn, Glasgow, which police said they finished searching earlier this month.

Complaints have been raised about ashes going missing, families being given the wrong remains and financial misconduct.

A woman told the BBC that she received a letter from Argyll and Bute confirming the ashes of her late mother were found by police in Springburn - but she had scattered what she thought were her mother's remains back in January.

Margaret Rennie was cremated at Cardross Crematorium in December 2021. But her daughter, Jackie Barnes, from Dumbarton, was sent a letter by the council this week about the discovery.

She told the BBC: "I got the letter and I kept reading it, because I couldn’t believe it.

"I thought that can’t be my mum, I’ve scattered my mum’s ashes with my dad. That was my dad’s wishes. He said I want me and your mum scattered together.

"It’s like grieving my mum all over again, it is as if I’ve just lost her again," she continued.

"People are never going to get their mums, their dads, their children back.

"I’m lucky I’m going to get my mum back but the person I've scattered, nobody will know who that is and we’ll never find out."

Ms Barnes' father died in January 2024 and she scattered the remains of both parents together at the garden of remembrance at Cardross Crematorium.

She also lost her husband in 2020 and told the BBC she now had concerns about his remains as well.

An Argyll and Bute spokesperson told the Advertiser: "Following a recent investigation by Police Scotland, we have taken eight containers of ashes, discovered on the premises of A Milne Funeral Directors, back into our care at Cardross Crematorium.

"They will remain in our safe-keeping until they can be returned to the applicants for cremation.

"The families have all been contacted, and a senior manager will be available to meet with them when they come to Cardross."

Jackie Baillie MSP raised the issue at the Scottish Parliament on Thursday. She said she had been contacted by 30 families who were mis-sold funeral plans, and two who had been given the wrong ashes.

During FMQs, Ms Baillie said: "Ashes of the deceased have knowingly been given to relatives, funeral plans have been mis-sold defrauding people of thousands of pounds.

"Whose ashes was she [Ms Barton] given, whose ashes did she scatter with her father's?"

New legislation for a code of practice for funeral directors was passed in January, but won't come into force until 2025.

First Minister John Swinney said they would look to see if that could be "accelerated".