PLANS for a new home outside Helensburgh have been given the go-ahead despite 35 objections from the public.

Late representations on Joanna Peach’s plans for the site between Lagarie House and Lagarie Lodge, at Torwoodhill Road in Rhu, were received from a local resident before councillors debated applications for planning permission and listed building consent.

But they did not change an Argyll and Bute Council planning officer’s opinion that the two applications should be granted.

The decision to do so was made, with minimal debate by councillors, at a meeting of the authority’s planning, protective services and licensing committee on Wednesday, May 22.

A supplementary report, published just before the meeting, addressed further concerns expressed by resident Jim Crawford.

It said: “Objector notes that the scale and massing of the current application is an increase to the most recent withdrawn application and is not a reduction as conveyed by the design and conservation officer.

“Objector notes that the proposed planting of an avenue of trees along the northern boundary is incompatible with, and detrimental to, the arrival and setting of Lagarie House.”

The council responded: “Please note that these comments are in relation to the height, the current application is a reduction in height in comparison to the previous withdrawn application.

“Within the current application the applicants have significantly reduced the height to a majority of single storey with an element of storey and a half to the principal elevation element.

“Please also note that the proposed replacement planting has been revised in that the applicants are now proposing the planting of native species trees in natural groups and not in an ornamental fashion, furthermore the recommended conditions require that further details of the proposed landscaping and boundary treatments are submitted to and approved by the authority prior to works commencing.”

Cowal SNP Councillor Gordon Blair said during the meeting: “I am glad to see that after a long period of time, we have something that looks aesthetically pleasing between these two homes.

“I think it looks great and I am quite happy to support this application.”

Both applications were unanimously approved by the committee.