A Helensburgh orchestra helped raise thousands of pounds for a global charity thanks to a successful concert last weekend.

Helensburgh Parish Church held the Helensburgh Chamber Orchestra’s Christian Aid Concert on Sunday, May 19.

The concert raised £1285.42 for Christian Aid and in addition, gift aid certificates of £520 were donated which will let the charity claim a further £130.

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A representative said: “These concerts have become a regular and very popular fixture in recent years.

“Thanks to David Bruce, Derek Clark, Christine Sinclair, and the Helensburgh Chamber Orchestra for a wonderful concert.”

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Conducted by David Bruce with the Helensburgh Chamber Orchestra, the programme featured Haydn’s Symphony No 73, Mozart’s Piano Concerto in C, and a five-minute ‘Intermezzo Fantasy for Christian Aid 2024’ for the wind and brass composed by Colin Suckling, the orchestra’s principal horn.

At the show, Christian Aid Scotland’s Charlie Meiklejohn spoke about the charity's work in Burundi.

He explained that while the country was heavily reliant on agriculture, it is also one of the least prepared to combat the effects of climate change, including droughts, floods, and landslides.

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Christian Aid works alongside local partners to help establish Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs).

These community-led groups mean people can save and borrow money, enabling small businesses, and offering reliable and diverse incomes so families can eat regularly, buy medicine, and build safer homes.

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The Helensburgh Chamber Orchestra - which is led by Christine Sinclair and conducted by David Bruce – is comprised of professional and amateur players.

Christian Aid works to combat poverty around the globe.