Hundreds of pounds were raised at the start of an annual charity week in Helensburgh.

Christian Aid Week started with a fayre last Saturday at Helensburgh Parish Church and raised £951 from the sale of plants, books, toys, baking and more.

There is a street collection in Helensburgh with volunteers in the town collecting donations. There have also been 3,000 envelopes delivered to town homes which can be returned with donations and Gift Aid slips to the church.

The church is hosting a concert on Sunday at 7pm with two major classical works being performed, plus a world premiere.


Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)


Helensburgh Chamber Orchestra will lead the show along with the church's director of music, Derek Clark, who is the piano soloist on the night.

The musicians will perform Haydn's Symphony No 73, known as "La Chasse" because it depicts a hunt through horns, trumpets and drums.

Mozart's Piano Concerto in C (K 467) will also be performed.

And Colin Suckling, the orchestra's principal horn, has composed a dive-minute piece called "Intermezzo Fantasy for Christian Aid 2024" for wind and brass.


Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)


Christian Aid this year is focusing on Burundi where they work in one of the most densely populated and poorest countries in Africa. More than 70 per cent of the population is in poverty there, and more than half of children are malnourished.

Working with local organisations, Christian Aid helps set up Village Savings and Loans Associations to help make small businesses possible, which in turn helps feed families and get medicine.

The concert, with the orchestra led by Christine Sinclair and conducted by David Bruce, is free but donations are welcome.

On Thursday evening, there was a Christian Aid Swim, with more than 40 swimmers of all ages including primary and secondary pupils, Swim Club and more. Helensburgh Leisure Centre hosted the event and organisers thanked staff there for their help.

"The event is such and enjoyable evening as we share joy in the achievement of individual swimmers," they said, "from those who swam a few lengths to Luke Watling Smith who swam six miles.

"The event always seems to spur everyone to go that bit further than they have before.


Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)


"Many parents reported children had only swum a few lengths before and weren't that confident but last night swam over 50 lengths.

"The money is still to be collected but we know that several individuals have raised hundreds on their sponsor forms.

"Money can be returned on Thursday, May 30 from 6-8pm or Saturday, June 1 from 10am-12pm at Helensburgh Parish Church Halls. Certificates will be presented in schools."


Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)

Christian Aid Week fayre at Helensburgh Parish Church (Photo: Ross Garner)


Charity football was put off because of rain and the girls tournament will be held on Monday, May 20, with the boys competing the next day at Hermitage Academy.

Ardencaple Football Club and Live Argyll organised the tournament, with sponsorship from Helensburgh Toyota, who have also donated footballs to all the schools taking part.

The event, at 5.30pm each day, will have a tuck shop and raffle for Christian Aid.