A HELENSBURGH man has pleaded guilty to putting two people in hospital after his reckless driving caused a car crash.

Douglas Harkin, 35, admitted causing injury to two people by driving dangerously and at excessive speed, losing control and colliding with another vehicle.

The crime happened on January 7, 2023 on the A814 about five minutes outside Helensburgh.

The Crown accepted not guilty pleas to charges of stealing a remote control from the Asda supermarket in Dumbarton on the same date and to driving while unfit through drink or drugs.

Dumbarton Sheriff Court heard how just after 11am, there was light traffic and damp conditions when two people, a man and a woman, were in a car travelling from Helensburgh towards Cardross.

Harkin, of Logie Place, Helensburgh, was travelling in the opposite direction at speed, around a corner and totally lost control before colliding with the other vehicle.

A witness got out and went to Harkin's car and found him sitting with his mobile phone on speaker. He never asked about the welfare of the other driver, the court was told.

Police arrived at 11.21am and found Harkin emptying items from his vehicle. They also saw there was a significant amount of damage to both vehicles.

An ambulance took a woman from the other car to the Royal Alexandra Hospital where she was found to have a bruised lung and collarbone.

The man spent three days and two nights in hospital with a suspected fractured spine.

He was off work for three weeks and suffered mental anguish and felt less safe driving.

Police noticed poor condition of rear tyres with metal shards exposed.

Harkin told officers: "I go around bends slow because I know my tyres are not the best."

Defence solicitor Brian McGuire said: "It's a serious matter, quite clearly."

Sheriff David Clapham deferred sentence until June 11 for background reports.

Harkin was disqualified from driving in the interim.